Sunday, July 13, 2008

A City Too Small

I went kayaking out on Jamaica Bay with the canoe club yesterday. It was a lovely day and I have a nice farmer's tan to show for it! Everyone was really friendly. I didn't fall in the water and I saw an egret.

Then I went to Laura's fifth annual brunch party. The quiche was amazing. The kicker was that this guy I went on a 15-minute date with a few months back was there! He had written me that I wasn't his type after our brief meeting when I walked him to the subway. Small world. We said hello, ignored each other the rest of the time and then he asid goodbye before he left.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Why are all the losers in the city at the same cool places the Date Nut frequents? Bravo for ignoring the 15 minute date guy and still enjoying yourself! And you go girl as far as the kayaking is concerned. Sounds like a wonderful physical and mental outlet for all the fact-checking drudgery of the week. Grecian beehives anyone?